Magic Color Change Experiment

Science Addicted

What You’ll Need

Lemon Juice (Acid)

Baking Soda (Base)

Red Cabbage Juice (pH Indicator)

Water & Cups

How to Do It

1. Boil red cabbage in water to make a purple juice – your magic indicator!

2. Pour the juice into 3 cups.

3. Add a splash of lemon juice to one cup – watch it turn pink!

4. Mix baking soda with water, then add it to another cup – see it turn blue!

5. The third cup stays purple – that’s neutral!

What’s Happening?

Acids (like lemon juice) make the juice turn pink or red. Bases (like baking soda) turn it blue or green. This happens because of pH levels – a fun way to measure how acidic or basic something is!

Click to See a pH Color Change!